ACS San Francisco Bay Chapter had another exciting evening with wildlife photographr, Jodi Frediani. For this talk, Jodi took us on her fourth trip to the Antarctic Peninsula and her first voyage to South Georgia in October 2022. Her love of polar regions began with her first voyage to Antarctica in 2016. Previous visits had all occurred during the southern hemisphere's early fall (our early spring), while this trip took place as spring was peering around the corner in the south. Weather challenges made this a voyage to remember - along with king penguins and their fluffy chicks, mating southern elephant seals, courting Gentoo penguins, lively leopard seals, killer whales, humpback whales, and lots of ice and wild seas. And, yes, these are just some of the species she encountered. Join us for an evening of stories illustrated by Frediani's photographs.
This free event is open to the public. Registration is required. A suggested donation of $10 per participant is encouraged and greatly appreciated. Donations help cover webinar costs and support our education and cetacean research grant programs.
About jodi Frediani
Jodi is based in Santa Cruz. Her photographic adventures have taken her around the world – to Africa, Alaska, Argentina, Antarctica, Brazil, Norway, Siberia, South Georgia, Thailand, Tonga and to Dominican Republic where for 22 years she has been swimming with and photographing humpback whales on the Silver Bank. Her work has appeared in a number of national and international publications, including the BBC’s “Nature’s Weirdest Events”, and Carl Safina’s National Geographic blog, “Ocean Views”. She has won prestigious awards in multiple international photo competitions including the Nature Photographer of the Year competition sponsored by the London Natural History Museum, and the Big Picture Competition sponsored by the California Academy of Sciences. In addition to photographing wildlife in its many forms and habitats, Frediani is engaged in whale research via fluke ID projects both here and abroad. With co-authors Nancy Black and Fred Sharpe, she published her first paper in 2020, entitled Postmortem Attractions: Humpback Whales Investigate the Carcass of a Killer Whale-Depredated Gray Whale Calf. Jodi is currently collaborating on two additional papers about humpback whale bubble use. She is also engaged in humpback whale acoustic research in Southeast Alaska, where she participated in a 3-week boat-based humpback whale field research expedition in 2021 and returned again this past summer. You can check out Jodi's photography at