Silent Auction - Art by Firuze Gokce  - We are raising funds for our Research Grant Program
to Mar 26

Silent Auction - Art by Firuze Gokce - We are raising funds for our Research Grant Program

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Join the American Cetacean Society and artist Firuze Gokce for a special Silent Auction dedicated to protecting whales, dolphins, and marine ecosystems. This event will raise crucial funds for ACS Research Grant Programs, supporting groundbreaking cetacean conservation and marine science studies.

Firuze Gokce’s ocean-inspired artwork reflects the rhythms and sounds of whales, translating their spectrograms into visual expressions. Your participation supports marine conservation and education efforts that help protect whales and their habitats for future generations.

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Marc Webber, "Baja in Spring – An Extravaganza of Marine Life"
7:00 PM19:00

Marc Webber, "Baja in Spring – An Extravaganza of Marine Life"

Join us as Marc shares his knowledge and photos from what truly is an extravaganza and celebration of marine life. We will be at sea on the boat – virtually – as we visit birthing sites of gray whales and witness the season’s burst of life with blue whales, humpbacks, dolphins, seabirds and pinniped species that include elephant seals, Guadalupe fur seals, California sea lions and more.

We also are thrilled, as part of this celebration of ocean life, to pair a fundraising art auction of two works by board member and artist Firuze Gokce. Details to follow!

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Dr. Joëlle De Weerdt, "Nicaragua Humpback Whales - What Do We Know About Them?"
7:00 PM19:00

Dr. Joëlle De Weerdt, "Nicaragua Humpback Whales - What Do We Know About Them?"

Formal research on Nicaragua humpback whales has been ongoing since 2016 uncovering intriguing information and discoveries for this important breeding area. Join us as Joëlle De Weerdt presents the latest research advancements drawing from the results of her PhD thesis as well as giving us new, exciting perspectives in what the future holds for humpback whale research.

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“Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary - Discoveries and Surprises”
7:00 PM19:00

“Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary - Discoveries and Surprises”

Please join us to kickoff 2025 with Chad King, Research Ecologist at the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, who will treat us to his many years exploring the Sanctuary. We will celebrate ocean protection with Chad as he leads us into the deep sea and shares his observations and discoveries, covering flora and fauna, including human impact on ocean ecosystems.

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 Jessica Crance: "Right in your backyard: The plight of the North Pacific right whale"
7:00 PM19:00

Jessica Crance: "Right in your backyard: The plight of the North Pacific right whale"

Once numbering in the tens of thousands, the North Pacific right whale was driven to the brink of extinction; now it's estimated that fewer than 50 animals remain in the eastern population. Despite this, one of these rare animals was seen this May off Point Reyes, CA. So how do you study the proverbial needle in a very large haystack? Come learn about North Pacific right whales as Jessica Crance, Marine Mammal biologist and right whale specialist, talks about their dark history, the research being done to save them, and the struggles and rewards of studying one of the most critically endangered large whale populations in the world.

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Grant Donations at Work! Grantee Dr. Nico Ransome on her study of a threatened “distinct population segment” of humpback whales spanning Central and North America
7:00 PM19:00

Grant Donations at Work! Grantee Dr. Nico Ransome on her study of a threatened “distinct population segment” of humpback whales spanning Central and North America

Dr. Nicola Ransome is the recipient of ACS-SF Bay chapter’s 2023 Christine Fitzsimmons cetacean research grant. Her primary research focus is on the study of anthropogenic impacts on large whales of the Eastern Tropical Pacific. She has used the grant proceeds toward her ongoing research of a threatened “distinct population segment” (DPS) of humpback whales, whose migratory corridor is Central America through the west coast of North America. The research is focused on seasonal (early season) timing and identification of the whales through tail flukes and the Happywhale identification platform. Please join us as Nico shares her findings and the impact of the results from this empirical research.

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Jared Towers: "Bigg’s Killer Whales of the Pacific NW: Supporting and Identifying this orca population"
7:00 PM19:00

Jared Towers: "Bigg’s Killer Whales of the Pacific NW: Supporting and Identifying this orca population"

In March of this year, Vancouver Island residents were gripped with the story of kʷiisaḥiʔis, or “Brave Little Hunter” who had been stuck in the Zeballos (BC) lagoon since her pregnant mother was stranded and drowned. Join us to hear the story of coaxing this calf into the open ocean by a scientist involved, techniques used, and overall what scientists are learning of this population of Orcas using latest technology and leveraging AI deep learning algorithms.

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Dr. Vanessa ZoBell "Moving Cargo, Keeping Whales: Identifying Solutions for Ocean Noise Pollution"
7:00 PM19:00

Dr. Vanessa ZoBell "Moving Cargo, Keeping Whales: Identifying Solutions for Ocean Noise Pollution"

Dr. Vanessa ZoBell, postdoctoral researcher at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego will discuss the importance of studying whale acoustics, the threats that whales are facing in the modern ocean, and creative solutions to protect these important animals.

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Kathi George "Whale Conservation in San Francisco Bay and Beyond"
7:00 PM19:00

Kathi George "Whale Conservation in San Francisco Bay and Beyond"

"Whale Conservation in San Francisco Bay and Beyond"

Dive into whale conservation in San Francisco Bay and beyond! Join Kathi George, The Marine Mammal Center’s Director of Cetacean Conservation Biology who will lead us on an exploration of cetacean research initiatives at The Marine Mammal Center including maritime collaborations that reduce the risk of entanglement and vessel strike on large whales. Can there be a balance between whales and human activities? Discover how the Center is working to create such a balance.

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 Dr. Patrick Robinson Elephant Seals - Making a Living in the Open Ocean
7:00 PM19:00

Dr. Patrick Robinson Elephant Seals - Making a Living in the Open Ocean

Please join us for an illuminating evening with Dr. Patrick Robinson as he shares some of the research findings from the UC Santa Cruz elephant seal research program.  He will discuss the research methods used to study these animals on their epic migrations and share what he and other researchers have learned about their elusive lives in the deep mesopelagic zone.  In addition to highlighting results from behavioral, physiological, ecological, and oceanographic research, he will share some of the remaining mysteries and future areas of research.

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Susan Casey, "Uncovering the Ocean's Deepest Secrets"
7:00 PM19:00

Susan Casey, "Uncovering the Ocean's Deepest Secrets"

We are thrilled to host author, Susan Casey for her presentation, "Uncovering the Ocean's Deepest Secrets". In her latest book, The Underworld: Journeys to the Depths of the Ocean, she embedded for seven years with explorers and marine scientists as they endeavored to unravel the deep sea’s many mysteries. 

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Dr. Tim Markowitz, "Lifestyles of the Quick and Promiscuous: Sociosexual Behavior of Dusky and Spinner Dolphins"
7:00 PM19:00

Dr. Tim Markowitz, "Lifestyles of the Quick and Promiscuous: Sociosexual Behavior of Dusky and Spinner Dolphins"

We are delighted to host Dr. Tim Markowitz, Cetacean Field Research Coordinator of The Marine Mammal Center, and contributing author in the recently published book, Sex in Cetaceans: Morphology, Behavior, and the Evolution of Sexual Strategies, for what is certain to be a fascinating presentation!

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Dr. Jeff Boehm, The Marine Mammal Center, "Behind the Bark: What Noisy California Sea Lions and Other Marine Mammals Can Tell Us About the State of Our Ocean"
7:00 PM19:00

Dr. Jeff Boehm, The Marine Mammal Center, "Behind the Bark: What Noisy California Sea Lions and Other Marine Mammals Can Tell Us About the State of Our Ocean"

The ACS San Francisco Bay Chapter is excited to kick off our 2024 speaker series with Dr. Jeff Boehm, Chief External Relations Officer of The Marine Mammal Center. There’s no one better to share the experiences of this iconic organization that has been caring for ill and injured marine mammals for almost fifty years.

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Dr. Kim Holland, "An Overview of Shark Research in Hawaii"
7:00 PM19:00

Dr. Kim Holland, "An Overview of Shark Research in Hawaii"

On November 14, 2023, Dr. Kim Holland of the University of Hawaii’s Institute of Marine Biology (HIMB) presented a fascinating broad-strokes overview of past and current research at the HIMB. His presentation focused on the physiological ecology and behavior of several shark species found in Hawaiian waters.

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Marc Webber, "The Secret Life of Harbor Porpoises, New Insights into Mating Behavior and Implications for Conservation"
7:00 PM19:00

Marc Webber, "The Secret Life of Harbor Porpoises, New Insights into Mating Behavior and Implications for Conservation"

We heard from acclaimed cetacean expert Marc Webber as he reports on the sex lives of Harbor Porpoises. We were treated to a sneak preview of his chapter in an upcoming book, “Sex in Cetaceans: Morphology, Behavior, and the Evolution of Sexual Strategies.”

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Jodi Frediani, "Svalbard: Wild Land, Wild Ice, Wild Life"
7:00 PM19:00

Jodi Frediani, "Svalbard: Wild Land, Wild Ice, Wild Life"

Join us for an evening with award-winning wildlife photographer, Jodi Frediani who introduces us to Svalbard, a Norwegian archipelago located north of the Arctic Circle, not far from the North Pole. This cluster of islands is home to polar bears, walruses, reindeer, and arctic foxes, and provides breeding and nesting grounds for thousands of seabirds. Ice covers more than 60% of the land mass, and the remaining tundra, grass, and moss-covered plains slope up toward perilous, high, ragged cliffs. Towering mountain peaks rise dramatically, surrounded by glaciers of blue and black ice. And the Arctic Ocean bathes them all.

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Dr. Deborah Giles, "What Feces Can Tell Us About the Health of the Endangered Southern Resident Killer Whales"
7:00 PM19:00

Dr. Deborah Giles, "What Feces Can Tell Us About the Health of the Endangered Southern Resident Killer Whales"

The Southern Resident killer whales are one of the most studied and well-known endangered species on the planet, yet efforts to save them have been largely unsuccessful. How can research be translated into meaningful policy or action to guide their recovery to reverse the declining trend in the population?

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Tom Mustill, "How to Speak Whale, A Voyage Into the Future of Animal Communication"
11:30 AM11:30

Tom Mustill, "How to Speak Whale, A Voyage Into the Future of Animal Communication"

What if humans and other animals could speak to one another? Author and wildlife filmmaker Tom Mustill reveals how a close encounter with a humpback whale off the coast of California inspired him to spend years exploring the cutting edge of marine biological research with scientists who are combining underwater robots and new advances in artificial intelligence to decode the communications of whales and dolphins and attempt the first-ever two-way communication.

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Jon Ambrose, “Bring 'em Home!  The Reintroduction of Salmon in the Central Valley”
7:00 PM19:00

Jon Ambrose, “Bring 'em Home! The Reintroduction of Salmon in the Central Valley”

Salmon is a keystone species, iconic for its importance as nourishing food, inextricable connection to human culture from native peoples to current times, an economic driver, and a critical food source for the marine species including some of the cetaceans we aim to protect and conserve. Please join us to hear from Jon Ambrose, salmonid biologist for NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service’s (NMFS) Central Valley Office (CVO) in Sacramento, California, on the efforts to save the species. Jon will share from the front lines some of the ongoing reintroduction efforts as essential actions to conserve and recover these iconic species.

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Gaelin Rosenwaks, "Sperm Whales: the Gentle Goliaths of the Oceans"
7:00 PM19:00

Gaelin Rosenwaks, "Sperm Whales: the Gentle Goliaths of the Oceans"

Gaelin Rosenwaks is a marine scientist, explorer, photographer, filmmaker, and author of the newly published "Sperm Whales: The Gentle Goliaths of the Oceans”. Please join us as Rosenwaks takes us on a journey exploring ocean ecosystems around the globe, culminating with and highlighting her latest project on Sperm Whales. She will share her intimate observations of these fascinating whales, the world’s largest toothed predator.

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ACS San Francisco Bay Chapter 2021 Grant Recipients Present their Cetacean Research
7:00 PM19:00

ACS San Francisco Bay Chapter 2021 Grant Recipients Present their Cetacean Research

In December 2021, through the generous support of individual donors like you, the American Cetacean Society San Francisco Bay Chapter was thrilled to award cetacean research grants to three emerging marine biologists doing critical research in support of our mission: to protect whales, dolphins, porpoises, and their habitats through public education, research grants, and critical conservation actions. These remarkable San Francisco Bay Area graduate students are conducting research that will contribute valuable information toward efforts to understand and reduce anthropogenic threats to Pacific humpback whales, blue whales, beaked whales, and California gray whales. At this event, you’ll hear firsthand from each grant recipient about their research and their findings to date.

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2022 ACS International Conference: Whales in a Sea of Troubles
to Nov 6

2022 ACS International Conference: Whales in a Sea of Troubles

Join the American Cetacean Society at the beautiful Kona Kai Resort & Spa in San Diego, California for our 18th ACS International Conference, “Whales in a Sea of Troubles.”

Our conferences have a distinguished history of offering high-quality opportunities for scientists, students, conservationists, and enthusiasts to connect and exchange vital information about the latest research and efforts to conserve cetaceans and their habitats.

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Scott Veirs, Ph. D., "Listening Live for Orcas from Washington to California"
7:00 PM19:00

Scott Veirs, Ph. D., "Listening Live for Orcas from Washington to California"

We were honored to host a presentation by Dr. Scott Veirs who summarized Orcasound, a project that began as a cooperative effort to listen for the calls, clicks, and whistles of the endangered Southern Resident Killer Whales within the inland marine waters of Washington State. More recently, Orcasound has been building open-source software to make it easier for humans to listen live to the oceans and identify soniferous cetaceans and deleterious noises.

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John Ryan, Ph. D., "Ecology is Written in the Symphony of Baleen Whales"
7:00 PM19:00

John Ryan, Ph. D., "Ecology is Written in the Symphony of Baleen Whales"

What do the songs of the rorqual family of baleen whales tell us about their ecology - how they live and interact among themselves and within their environment? In this fascinating presentation, Dr. John Ryan, Senior Research Specialist at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, shares what we are learning through studying their songs as well as the process and advancements in techniques of song analysis.

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Jodi Frediani, "Monterey Bay: Bountiful and Biodiverse"
7:00 PM19:00

Jodi Frediani, "Monterey Bay: Bountiful and Biodiverse"

We were honored to host award-winning wildlife photographer, Jodi Frediani, for her presentation, “Monterey Bay: Bountiful and Biodiverse.” Monterey Bay, nature’s magic kingdom, is a place of wonder, discovery, and beauty. A myriad of marine species from phytoplankton to enormous blue whales use Monterey Bay as their home or critical habitat.

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Event Cancelled - Preston Brown, "Restoring the Bay Area's Endangered Coho Salmon"
7:00 PM19:00

Event Cancelled - Preston Brown, "Restoring the Bay Area's Endangered Coho Salmon"

ACS San Francisco Bay Chapter is delighted to host Preston Brown, Conservation Director of the Salmon Protection And Watershed Network (SPAWN), a program run by Turtle Island Restoration Network. Mr. Brown will provide an overview of SPAWN's work and approach to restoration (where they work and how). He will discuss coho salmon life history, limiting factors, and where their restoration efforts are focused.

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Scott Benson, "Welcome back, Leatherbacks!"
7:00 PM19:00

Scott Benson, "Welcome back, Leatherbacks!"

The ACS San Francisco Bay Chapter was delighted to host Scott Benson for a fascinating presentation about leatherback turtles. After six months away, traveling the expanse of the Pacific Ocean, leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) will begin to arrive in the coastal waters of central California next month to gorge on abundant sea nettles. This presentation discusses the biology and ecology of leatherback turtles including information specific to the endangered western Pacific population that utilizes US west coast waters as a foraging region.

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