This is an exceptional story. In March of this year, Vancouver Island residents were gripped with the story of kʷiisaḥiʔis, or “Brave Little Hunter” who had been stuck in the Zeballos (BC) lagoon since her pregnant mother was stranded and drowned. Join us to hear the story of coaxing this calf into the open ocean by a scientist involved, techniques used, and overall what scientists are learning of this population of Orcas using latest technology and leveraging AI deep learning algorithms.
This free event is open to the public. REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. A suggested donation of $10 per participant is encouraged and greatly appreciated. Donations help cover webinar costs and support our education and cetacean research grant programs. To donate, please visit our website We are grateful for your support!
Jared Towers, Executive Director of Bay Cetology, Vancouver, BC:
Jared’s work primarily revolves around studying the movements, behaviour, abundance, and ecology of cetacean populations using direct observations and remote sensing technology. He typically spends over 100 days a year at sea conducting field research on killer whales in both hemispheres, but has also been involved in studies on minke, humpback, fin, sei, blue, grey, right and sperm whales in the North Pacific, South Atlantic, Indian, and Southern Oceans. Jared manages several killer whale population datasets, helps advise and direct a number of cetacean research and conservation organizations in North America, has published several scientific articles, and in addition to conducting conservation based field research also responds to cetacean incidents such as entanglements, entrapments, and strandings.