“Breach”, (c) Jodi Frediani
Coming off of a rich and beautiful talk by marine photographer Jodi Frediani on August 23, “Monterey Bay - Bountiful and Biodiverse”, we have three great speaker events left in our 2022 roster. First, coming up on September 27, we have Monterey Bay Research Institute Research Specialist, Dr. John Ryan whose talk is titled “Ecology is Written in the Symphony of Baleen Whales”. Coincidentally and perhaps serving as a “coming attraction” this article was in the August 31, 2022, issue of the San Francisco Chronicle, “Scientists are listening to blue whales off California’s coast. Here’s what their songs reveal”. John’s research is showcased with some intriguing discoveries about blue whale behavior. I can’t wait to learn more from this leading biological oceanographer!
On October 25, we stay with cetacean communication with a talk by Dr. Scott Veirs of the Orcasound project entitled “Listening live for orcas from Washington to California”.
On November 15, we conclude the 2022 speaker program by hearing from our 2021 – 2022 research grant awardees. These three emerging marine biologists are doing critical research in support of ACS’ mission: to protect whales, dolphins, porpoises, and their habitats through public education, research grants, and critical conservation actions. The research of Bekah Lane, Kelly DeForest, and Allison Payne focuses on the threats from human activity on cetaceans. It will be enlightening and gratifying to hear from these young scientists on risks associated with vessel strikes, entanglements, and bycatch mortality as well as how their research can minimize detrimental human impact.
Our chapter speaker program is dedicated to bringing the wonder of cetaceans, ocean wildlife, and ocean habitat to our community. We are grateful for the speakers and unsung heroes who give their time and share their work every month. We also appreciate our engaged community for tuning in every month. For me, it is a labor of love to uncover and recruit these scientists and marine professionals. As we plan for 2023, please feel free to send me any suggestions for speakers and topics to acs.sfbay.shopp@gmail.com. Meanwhile, I’ll look forward to “seeing” you at our next Speaker Series event on September 27!
Susan Hopp
Member, Board of Directors
American Cetacean Society San Francisco Bay Chapter
Susan Hopp is a strategist, educator, and practitioner of sustainable and regenerative management. She works with organizations to identify, formalize and execute sustainability strategies. Susan is a member of the Board of Directors of the American Cetacean Society, San Francisco Bay Chapter, and an adjunct faculty member at the University of San Francisco where she teaches Sustainability Leadership in the Environmental Management Masters program.